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Khabibulin drops it like it's hot

Posted by Chris 10/5/09

Photo by Daylene

Oiler fans were choked by the outcome of the season opener on Saturday night.

A heartbreaking blunder, by newly acquired goalie Nikolai Khabibulin, allowed the Flames to seal the game with seconds to go. The winning goal, by Sphagnum (David "Pete" Moss) came shortly after a great scoring chance by "Paddy" O'Sullivan (the best of a bunch on which he failed to capitalize).

In Khabibulin's defense, he looked pretty keen in his debut. While the Oilers plastered the Flames to the boards at every opportunity, they still allowed some ridiculous easy chances. Sam Gagner got lucky with a fortuitous bounce of a stanchion to tie the game upmidway through the third.

Good jobs by the refs as they put their whistles away in the last period (good for the Oilers as their power play was dismal and Flames' has been hot this season).

Next game, Tuesday night against Dallas.


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